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- The Scrambler ][
- ©1994 R.J. Nataly - All Rights Reserved
- Welcome to version 2.0 of The Scrambler. This version is very similar in
- operation to its predecessor, but employs a more sophisticated encryption
- technique. One difference you'll immediately notice is that the encryption
- password has been expanded from four digits in version 1.5 to eight digits
- in this version.
- Other than the increase in the password length, all other aspects of
- operation remain unchanged. Because The Scrambler][ is relatively
- simple to use and is very similar to version 1.5, this documentation will be
- fairly brief.
- Both versions of The Scrambler require you to have:
- mathieeedoubbas.library
- in the LIBS: directory of your system disk. This library file is contained in
- Workbench version 2.04 (and possibly earlier versions of WB as well).
- Scrambler][ Overview
- The Scrambler][ will read an ASCII text file and encrypt it using an 8-digit
- password that you provide. The resulting output file can be read only after
- decrypting it with the same 8-digit password.
- An effort has been made to avoid non-printing, control, and other unusual
- characters in the Scrambler][ output file (the encrypted file). This allows
- encrypted files to be placed in E-mail and public message sections of most
- bulletin boards.
- However, if the bulletin board inserts characters while printing the
- message (a [pause] prompt, for example), then these characters must be
- deleted from the message before de-Scrambling.
- For absolute best results, messages should be uploaded/downloaded via
- the bulletin board's file transfer area.
- Scrambler][ Operation
- The Scrambler][ can only be run from a Workbench Shell (CLI). Running
- the program by typing "Scrambler" will give you the following help
- screen.
- The Scrambler][
- ----------------
- © 1994 - Bob Nataly
- Usage: Scrambler <operation> <########> <filename>
- Operations: -s = Scramble an ASCII file.
- -u = Unscramble an ASCII file.
- ######## = An eight digit password.
- As I mentioned before, operation is fairly straightforward. To encrypt a
- file named secret with password 84620321, simply type:
- Scrambler -s 84620321 secret
- to decrypt the file secret.scr, type:
- Scrambler -u 84620321 secret
- That's all there is to it.... I've enclosed a file called testfile.scr for you to
- unscramble with the password 12345678. Read the file before
- unscrambling it, then read it again after unscrambling it. This will give
- you a better idea of The Scrambler]['s capabilities.
- Legal Notice
- The Scrambler][ was not written for use as a means to communicate illegal
- activities and should NOT be used as such. I do NOT support the theory
- that its OK to break a particular law if you don't feel it should exist. If you
- don't like a law, then gather support to repeal it legally.
- I realize that others uploading such programs have suggested using them
- for communications dealing with illegal activities. Such suggestions are
- socially irresponsible and morally questionable. In response to such
- suggestions, I'll simply offer this warning. Local officials have the ability
- to transfer encrypted messages to federal agencies, should probable cause
- exist. Federal agencies have specialists trained to decode any encrypted
- message, regardless of the encryption method used.
- While The Scrambler]['s encryption method is sophisticated, I will
- cooperate with any law enforcement agencies in their efforts, providing
- probable cause exists.
- Related Files
- Enclosed in this archive are the following files:
- PCSCRAM.EXE - IBM PC version of The Scrambler][
- Scrambler.doc - This file
- testfile.SCR - Sample scrambled file
- Scrambler - Amiga EXE file
- The PC version should be identical to the Amiga version in every aspect,
- although I have not tested the PC version as completely as the Amiga
- version.
- When transferring .SCR files from PC to Amiga via disk, you may have
- to use the AmigaDOS ED command to remove extra carriage returns from
- the file for it to unscramble properly.
- Please send any bug reports to:
- Amiga@CIS.UmassD.edu
- please be sure to identify wheather you're using the Amiga or PC version.